Support Epiphany of Our Lord Parish
Dear Parishioners,
In these challenging times of pandemic all over the world, our Parish, together with other places of worship, are thankful that we continue to ensure that our parish continues to be welcoming and interactive with everyone as much as possible. Although we are not totally so operational as before due to restrictions at all worship places for health and safety reasons, our Parish will very much appreciate a continuity of your support to sustain various expenses incurred at this time. The options to make your donation are as follows:
- Dropping-off your envelope or donation in the offertory basket before or after the Mass, in the church or at the Parish office on weekdays.
- Pre-Authorized Giving (PAG). This is a pre-authorized debit transaction from your bank with your donation instructions. A void check is required for submission together with Pre-Authorized Giving Forms as attached: EpiphanyOurLord PAG Enrollment Form.pdf EpiphanyofOurLord PAG2.pdf
- Donate using your credit card or cheqing account through this Donate to Epiphany link. Please make sure to select Epiphany of Our Lord Parish in the list of churches under the Donation Information.
Thank you for your understanding and generosity.
Epiphany of Our Lord Parish